Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

wallpapers4free has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site.
Personal Information
We do not request any personal information or collect any information that personally identifies you or allows you to be personally contacted. Since we do not collect any personal information on this Web site, we do not share any personal information with any third parties nor do we use any personal information for any purposes.
On a PC:
When the picture has loaded completely, right-click on it, then choose Set as Wallpaper (or Background) from the pop-up menu. You can also right-click to save the picture to disk, then display it as described in the next section. If you choose Set as Background (or Wallpaper), the full-size image will normally appear on your desktop, even when it is shown smaller than actual size, as it is on our download pages.
On a Mac:
With a recent version of Safari (3 and above), when the picture has loaded completely, you can control-click on the picture, then choose "Use Image as Desktop Picture." To save the picture, you can choose "Save Image As...," then display it as described in the next section.